
Dear Forever Family,⁣

I know, I’m just a black dog. Black dogs like me are so easy to overlook. I get it... but can you pay attention to this one, this time?! ⁣

I’m really special, you see. I graduated from the PAWS program so I’m already trained. I’m a super good girl, actually. ⁣

I can be a little shy with new people, so I need you to be patient with me. Once I trust you, I will be the most loyal bestie you’ve ever had. ⁣

I’m just about a year old, so I have all the time in the world to love you and learn new things. I love to learn and play with my furry friends! I haven’t been around cats yet, so I can’t tell you if I like them or not. ⁣

Are you wonderful? Let’s be wonderful together! Fill out an adoption application: My adoption fee is $250, and that covers all of the get care and training I received in the PAWS program. ⁣

Xoxo, ⁣
